Hawapi 2017: Tri­an­gu­lo Terrestre 

Patria Ley Dios
A per­for­mance by Court­ney Smith & Iván Navar­ro

Cen­tro Cul­tur­al de San Mar­cos

Av. Nicolás de Piéro­la 1222, Par­que Uni­ver­si­tario, Cen­tro Históri­co de Lima, Lima , Peru


Konan­tü: Court­ney Smith & Iván Navar­ro (2016)
Edi­ciones Popolet

Konan­tü is an artists’ book trac­ing eleven years of the joint life and work of Court­ney Smith and Iván Navar­ro. It expos­es the blurred bound­aries of love, dai­ly life and intel­lec­tu­al col­lab­o­ra­tion between the two artists who over time began weav­ing their indi­vid­ual work into a xiphopa­gus body of jux­ta­posed parts. The book charts the repeat­ed exer­cise of artis­tic inter­sec­tion as it begins to solid­i­fy into its own inde­pen­dent form, turn­ing their col­lab­o­ra­tion into a dis­tinct cat­e­go­ry. Konan­tü focus­es on the ongo­ing series of per­formed works — sculp­ture-based, direct­ed social inter­ac­tions – that Smith and Navar­ro have been devel­op­ing since 2014.


Open­ing July 21st 2016:
The Ring

A new per­for­mance by Court­ney Smith & Iván Navar­ro
Com­mis­sioned by L.A.N.D. (Los Ange­les Nomadic Divi­sion) for the exhi­bi­tion Exchange/Value

The Ring is the lat­est in a series of per­formed sculp­tur­al works by Iván Navar­ro and Court­ney Smith. Since 2014, the two artists have col­lab­o­rat­ed to pro­duce par­tic­i­pa­to­ry per­for­mance-events in the form of guid­ed inter­ac­tions that occur with­in a con­struct­ed are­na The Ring is a for­mal design for a social rit­u­al of coop­er­a­tion and exchange, explor­ing cycli­cal sys­tems of giv­ing, receiv­ing and rec­i­p­ro­cat­ing as well as pro­vid­ing, acquir­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing. Through the cer­e­mo­ni­al alter­na­tion of roles and the trans­fer of sym­bol­ic objects, indi­vid­ual val­ue is sub­sumed by the sum of col­lec­tive action.