At the beginning of each cycle, the four participants position themselves at the threshold of the entrance gate they were assigned, either A, B, C, and D. Each participant (A, B, C, and D) has been given a specific path and direction to follow in each one of the four cycles. The participants enter the ring, and the gates are closed. When the drumming begins the participants begin to walk. The walkers must follow their individually prescribed path in continuous repetitions without pausing, until the drumming stops. The suspension of the drumming marks the end of the cycle at which point the participants exit the area. The duration of each cycle is 5 minutes long, followed by a 2‑minute break for rest and participant substitutions if they occur. The pattern is repeated for all four cycles.
The walkers should move at a comfortable pace, and in response to the rhythm of the drum.
Walkers need not strain to walk exactly on their given line, as if on a tightrope, but rather to understand the line as the indication of their path.
The activity should take place in silence. No verbal communication among the participants is needed as each one has their path outlined. The predictable intersections, as well as any unpredictable congestion or error, are left to the spontaneous and intuitive negotiation among the bodies involved. In the case of necessary deviations, the maneuvers are established with first encounter. The gaze is free. Disposition is neutral.
First Cycle
A follows broken red line counterclockwise in continuous repetitions
B follows broken black line counterclockwise in continuous repetitions
C follows solid red line counterclockwise in continuous repetitions
D follows solid black line counterclockwise in continuous repetitions
Second Cycle
A follows solid red line counterclockwise in continuous repetition
B follows solid black line counterclockwise in continuous repetitions
C follows broken red line clockwise in continuous repetitions
D follows broken black line clockwise in continuous repetitions
Third Cycle
A follows solid red line clockwise for continuous repetitions
B follows solid black line clockwise for continuous repetitions
C follows solid red line counterclockwise for continuous repetitions
D follows solid black line counterclockwise for continuous repetitions
Fourth Cycle
A follows solid red line counterclockwise incorporating a clockwise spin (360° turn) at each of the four inner corners of the red cross in continuous repetitions
B follows solid black line counterclockwise incorporating a counterclockwise spin (360° turn) at each of the four corners of the black square in continuous repetitions
C follows solid red line counterclockwise incorporating a clockwise spin (360° turn) at each of the four inner corners of the red cross in continuous repetitions
D follows solid black line counterclockwise incorporating a counterclockwise spin (360° turn) at each of the four corners of the black square in continuous repetitions