8 par­tic­i­pants seat­ed in a cir­cle (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H). Start­ing with A and end­ing with H, each per­son takes a turn in order (alpha­bet­i­cal = coun­ter­clock­wise), pro­nounc­ing aloud the word on their card in the num­bered order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

A begins by pro­nounc­ing “VID

Serie 1:
 8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)
musi­cal note
Serie 2:
8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)
musi­cal note
Serie 3:
8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)
musi­cal note
Serie 4:
8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)
musi­cal note
Serie 5:
8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)

musi­cal interlude


A begins by pro­nounc­ing “SOL

Serie 1:
8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)
musi­cal note
Serie 2:
8 cycles of 8 words (64 words)
musi­cal notes
Serie 3:
8 cycles of 8 words
musi­cal note
Serie 4:
8 of 8 words (64 words)

musi­cal interlude


Music qui­ets but con­tin­ues soft­ly in a con­stant, steady flow

24 con­tin­u­ous cycles of spon­ta­neous free asso­ci­a­tion in the cir­cle.

Par­tic­i­pants are free to select any word from any of their cards from ACTO I and ACTO II. They can build their own short sequences (up to three words) to form a sub­jec­tive poet­ic con­struc­tion. They can con­ju­gate verbs or change the gen­der of adjec­tives if they wish, but every word they pro­nounce must be part of their indi­vid­ual sup­ply of words. The par­tic­i­pants are encour­aged to respond to each other’s words with their words, using any means of inten­tion­al con­nec­tion (rhythm, rhyme, allit­er­a­tion, seman­tic log­ic, sub­jec­tive poet­ic instinct), or they may sim­ply exper­i­ment with ran­dom jux­ta­po­si­tions.

A begins with “VID, VIDA, VIDAJENA”. The word flow con­tin­ues for at least 24 cycles. After 24 cycles A is tasked with end­ing the flow by pro­nounc­ing “ZORRILLO, ZORROCLOCO, ZORRÓN”.

The par­tic­i­pants are silent, only the music is heard. The music con­tin­ues for an inde­ter­mi­nate moment and then stops.

The End.