A group activ­i­ty with 24 par­tic­i­pants, in six 4‑minute seg­ments with a 1‑minute break in between each one. Each par­tic­i­pant occu­pies an indi­vid­ual slot, remain­ing with­in its perime­ter at all times. 16 of the slots are ordered alpha­bet­i­cal­ly and clock­wise from A to P. The 8 cor­ner slots, 2 per cor­ner, are reserved for the music-mak­ers.
Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of each seg­ment, the music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
A whis­tle announces the begin­ning and end of each seg­ment. Dur­ing the 1‑minute rest between seg­ments, the par­tic­i­pants relax but they must remain in their respec­tive slots. 

First Dance: Cuar­te­tos activos (hablarse y cono­cerse)
Dura­tion: 4 minutes 

The 16 social par­tic­i­pants divide into 4 sets of 4 (ABCD, EFGH, IJKL, MNOP). Each four­some con­gre­gates around the inner col­umn at the inter­sec­tion of their 4 indi­vid­ual slots. The four­some social­izes freely as a group for the dura­tion of the segment. 

Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of the seg­ment, the music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
1‑minute rest

Sec­ond Dance: Pares activos (hablarse y cono­cerse)
Dura­tion 4 minutes 

The 16 social par­tic­i­pants divide into 8 sep­a­rate pairs.
BC, FG, JK and ON meet at the inner col­umn at the inter­sec­tion of their respec­tive slots
PA, DH, IL and MP meet at the out­er columns at the inter­sec­tion of their respec­tive slots.
The par­tic­i­pants social­ize strict­ly with their pair for the dura­tion of the segment. 

Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of the seg­ment, the music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
1‑minute rest

Third Dance: Pares activos alter­na­dos (hablarse y cono­cerse)
Dura­tion: 4 minutes 

AD, EH, IL, and MP meet at the inner col­umn at the inter­sec­tion of their respec­tive slots.
CF, GJ, KN and OB meet face to face with each oth­er around the cen­tral col­umn.
The par­tic­i­pants social­ize strict­ly with their pair for the dura­tion of the segment. 

Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of the seg­ment, the music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
1‑minute rest

Fourth Dance: Cuar­te­tos inver­tidos pasivos (sin hablarse) 

The four­somes CDEF, GHIJ, KLMN and OPAB meet at the inter­sec­tion of their respec­tive slots with­out a col­umn, with their backs to the inter­sec­tion. The 8 out­er posi­tions (A, D, E, H, J, L, M, and P) look out­ward toward the hori­zon, while the 8 inner posi­tions look into the eyes of the par­tic­i­pant direct­ly oppo­site them (B and C, F and G, J and K, and N and O).
The par­tic­i­pants remain in silence for the dura­tion of the segment. 

Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of the seg­ment, the music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
1‑minute rest

Fifth Dance: Cir­cu­lo inter­no acti­vo y cir­cu­lo exter­no pasi­vo (hablarse unos y sin hablarse otros)
Dura­tion: 4 minutes 

The 8 inner posi­tions (B, C, F, G, J, K, N, and O) gath­er around the cen­tral col­umn and social­ize freely as one group. The 8 out­er posi­tions (A, D, E, H, I, L, M, and P) stand still in the cen­ter of their respec­tive indi­vid­ual slots, fac­ing inward and look­ing toward the cen­tral col­umn, while remain­ing in silence.
The inner cir­cle is active and the out­er cir­cle is pas­sive for the dura­tion of the segment. 

Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of the seg­ment, the music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
1‑minute rest

Sixth Dance: Ais­la­dos pasivos (sin hablarse)
Dura­tion: 4 minutes 

The 16 social par­tic­i­pants stand still in the cen­ter of their indi­vid­ual slots, all fac­ing inward toward the cen­tral col­umn. They are immo­bile and silent but the gaze remains free and unre­strict­ed for the dura­tion of the segment. 

Dur­ing the full 4 min­utes of each seg­ment, music mak­ers make noise unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly with their rat­tles and bells.
The end