A group activity with 24 participants, in six 4‑minute segments with a 1‑minute break in between each one. Each participant occupies an individual slot, remaining within its perimeter at all times. 16 of the slots are ordered alphabetically and clockwise from A to P. The 8 corner slots, 2 per corner, are reserved for the music-makers.
During the full 4 minutes of each segment, the music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
A whistle announces the beginning and end of each segment. During the 1‑minute rest between segments, the participants relax but they must remain in their respective slots.
First Dance: Cuartetos activos (hablarse y conocerse)
Duration: 4 minutes
The 16 social participants divide into 4 sets of 4 (ABCD, EFGH, IJKL, MNOP). Each foursome congregates around the inner column at the intersection of their 4 individual slots. The foursome socializes freely as a group for the duration of the segment.
During the full 4 minutes of the segment, the music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
1‑minute rest
Second Dance: Pares activos (hablarse y conocerse)
Duration 4 minutes
The 16 social participants divide into 8 separate pairs.
BC, FG, JK and ON meet at the inner column at the intersection of their respective slots
PA, DH, IL and MP meet at the outer columns at the intersection of their respective slots.
The participants socialize strictly with their pair for the duration of the segment.
During the full 4 minutes of the segment, the music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
1‑minute rest
Third Dance: Pares activos alternados (hablarse y conocerse)
Duration: 4 minutes
AD, EH, IL, and MP meet at the inner column at the intersection of their respective slots.
CF, GJ, KN and OB meet face to face with each other around the central column.
The participants socialize strictly with their pair for the duration of the segment.
During the full 4 minutes of the segment, the music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
1‑minute rest
Fourth Dance: Cuartetos invertidos pasivos (sin hablarse)
The foursomes CDEF, GHIJ, KLMN and OPAB meet at the intersection of their respective slots without a column, with their backs to the intersection. The 8 outer positions (A, D, E, H, J, L, M, and P) look outward toward the horizon, while the 8 inner positions look into the eyes of the participant directly opposite them (B and C, F and G, J and K, and N and O).
The participants remain in silence for the duration of the segment.
During the full 4 minutes of the segment, the music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
1‑minute rest
Fifth Dance: Circulo interno activo y circulo externo pasivo (hablarse unos y sin hablarse otros)
Duration: 4 minutes
The 8 inner positions (B, C, F, G, J, K, N, and O) gather around the central column and socialize freely as one group. The 8 outer positions (A, D, E, H, I, L, M, and P) stand still in the center of their respective individual slots, facing inward and looking toward the central column, while remaining in silence.
The inner circle is active and the outer circle is passive for the duration of the segment.
During the full 4 minutes of the segment, the music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
1‑minute rest
Sixth Dance: Aislados pasivos (sin hablarse)
Duration: 4 minutes
The 16 social participants stand still in the center of their individual slots, all facing inward toward the central column. They are immobile and silent but the gaze remains free and unrestricted for the duration of the segment.
During the full 4 minutes of each segment, music makers make noise uninterruptedly with their rattles and bells.
The end