2017 Los Angeles
Los Angeles Nomadic Division
Duration: approximately 30 minutes
A live work in 3 acts. 24 participants rotate positions and roles within a constructed arena, performing a guided sequence of social cooperation. The work envisions a symbolic activity based on transfer and reciprocity. Inspired by Marcel Mauss’s ternary formulation of ritual giving — “l’obligation de donner, l’obligation de recevoir, l’obligation de rendre” — the work unfolds in 3 repeating cycles as the participants, organized in three groups, consecutively occupy each of the 3 concentric enclosures of the square-shaped arena.
In repetitions of 3s, The Ring explores cyclical systems of giving, receiving and reciprocating as well as providing, acquiring and distributing. Participants attend to each other directly in a chain of supporting, feeding and consuming. The formal alternation of roles and transfer of ritual objects and provisions underlines the ephemerality of one’s immediate circumstances. The equal limitations and potential of each position are exposed, and individual value is subsumed in the sum of collective action.