from 2018 on
Con­vo­lu­tion (Rough Draft)
Brook­lyn, USA 2018 (Amer­i­can-Eng­lish ver­sion)
Casa do Povo, São Paulo, Brasil 2018 (Brazil­ian-Por­tuguese ver­sion)
Casa de Maquinas, San­ti­a­go, Chile 2019 (Span­ish ver­sion)
MACRO Asi­lo, Museo de Arte Con­tem­po­ranea de Roma, Italy 2019 (Ital­ian ver­sion)
A per­for­mance in 3 acts, 8 par­tic­i­pants
Dura­tion: approx­i­mate­ly 40 minutes 

The Col­lo­quy series, which includes the work Colóquio per­formed in São Paulo, Tren­za per­formed in San­ti­a­go de Chile, and the piece Trec­cia per­formed in Rome, com­bines lan­guage and math­e­mat­i­cal pat­terns derived from an exist­ing sequence of chore­o­graphed move­ment.
Pat­terns of alter­na­tions that occur in a social dance (in this case, Euro­pean Renais­sance social dance) are repro­duced in such a way that a dance step is rep­re­sent­ed by a spo­ken word, with the par­tic­i­pants speak­ing in turn accord­ing to their posi­tion in the pat­tern.
Each par­tic­i­pant is assigned a spe­cif­ic set of words with which they con­sec­u­tive­ly con­tribute to an inte­grat­ed com­pi­la­tion of detached spo­ken parts. Seat­ed in a cir­cle, the group oper­ates as one artic­u­lat­ed whole, each par­tic­i­pant per­form­ing an equal but dis­tinct part in a con­tin­u­ous but evolv­ing loop. With a sys­tem of repet­i­tive lay­er­ing of words and the grad­ual addi­tion and build-up of ver­bal ele­ments, togeth­er the group pro­duces a mean­der­ing, expand­ing oral con­struc­tion. The col­lec­tive sum is a cycli­cal con­cate­na­tion in crescen­do, a half-sys­tem­atized half-instinc­tive, con­tin­u­ous call and response to a grad­u­al­ly swelling drumbeat.