(Con­duc­tor calls the par­tic­i­pants to atten­tion and gives the fol­low­ing instructions)

‑Red card­hold­ers take a place at the table in the inner ring.
-Black card­hold­ers take a place in the cen­ter ring behind a red card­hold­er.
-White card­hold­ers take a place at the out­er ring behind a black cardholder. 

(Par­tic­i­pants move into posi­tion. Once all the posi­tions are filled, the con­duc­tor dis­trib­utes the ceram­ic rings to the black card­hold­ers in the cen­ter ring, then dis­trib­utes the bells to the white card­hold­ers at the out­er ring. Con­duc­tor gives the fol­low­ing directions).

‑At the sound of the whis­tle:
-White card­hold­ers begin to ring the bells.
-Black card­hold­ers pass the rings to the red card­hold­ers.
-Red card­hold­ers put on the rings.
-Black card­hold­ers serve wine or water to the red card­hold­ers.
-Red card­hold­ers eat, drink and con­verse freely with each oth­er at the table.
-Black card­hold­ers close the gate to the inner ring and remain in stand­by posi­tion behind the red card­hold­ers.
-All play­ers remain in your activ­i­ty until the whis­tle marks the end of the 8‑minute session. 

Round 1:

(The con­duc­tor starts the timer set for 8 min­utes, and blows the open­ing whistle)


(The con­duc­tor calls out the fol­low­ing prompts, ges­tic­u­lat­ing to the sec­tion being addressed)


(There are 8 min­utes of sus­tained activ­i­ty, timed by the con­duc­tor. At the end of the 8 min­utes the con­duc­tor blows the clos­ing whis­tle) 


(The con­duc­tor announces the transition)

Tran­si­tion! 2 minutes. 

(The con­duc­tor sets the timer for 2 min­utes and gives the fol­low­ing directions)

‑Black card­hold­ers clear the glass­es from the cen­ter table and return them to the cor­ner tables.
-Black card­hold­ers open the gates to the inner ring.
-Red card­hold­ers exit the inner ring and move back one posi­tion to the cen­ter ring.
-Black card­hold­ers move back one posi­tion to the out­er ring.
-White card­hold­ers pass the bells to the black card­hold­ers and move for­ward two posi­tions to the inner ring. 

(When all par­tic­i­pants are in their new posi­tions, the con­duc­tor gives the fol­low­ing instructions)

‑At the sound of the whis­tle:
-Black card­hold­ers begin to ring the bells.
-Red card­hold­ers pass the rings to the white card­hold­ers.
-White card­hold­ers put on the rings.
-Red card­hold­ers serve wine to the white card­hold­ers.
-White card­hold­ers eat, drink and con­verse freely with each oth­er at the table.
-Red card­hold­ers close the gate to the inner ring and remain in stand­by posi­tion behind the white card­hold­ers.
-All play­ers remain in your activ­i­ty until the whis­tle marks the end of the 8‑minute session. 

Round 2:

(The con­duc­tor starts the timer set for 8 min­utes, and blows the open­ing whistle)


(The con­duc­tor calls out the fol­low­ing prompts, ges­tic­u­lat­ing to the sec­tion being addressed)


(There are 8 min­utes of sus­tained activ­i­ty, timed by the con­duc­tor. At the end of the 8 min­utes the con­duc­tor blows the clos­ing whistle)


(The con­duc­tor announces the transition)

Tran­si­tion! 2 minutes. 

(The con­duc­tor sets the timer for 2 min­utes and gives the fol­low­ing directions)

‑Red card­hold­ers clear the glass­es from the cen­ter table and return them to the cor­ner tables.
-Red card­hold­ers open the gates to the inner ring.
-White card­hold­ers exit the inner ring and move back one posi­tion to the cen­ter ring.
-Red card­hold­ers move back one posi­tion to the out­er ring.
-Black card­hold­ers pass the bells to the red card­hold­ers and move for­ward two posi­tions to the inner ring. 

(When all par­tic­i­pants are in their new posi­tions, the con­duc­tor gives the fol­low­ing instructions)

‑At the sound of the whis­tle:
-Red card­hold­ers begin to ring the bells.
-White card­hold­ers pass the rings to the black card­hold­ers.
-Black card­hold­ers put on the rings.
-White card­hold­ers serve wine to the black card­hold­ers.
-Black card­hold­ers eat, drink and con­verse freely with each oth­er at the table.
-White card­hold­ers close the gate to the inner ring and remain in stand­by posi­tion behind the black card­hold­ers.
-All play­ers remain in your activ­i­ty until the whis­tle marks the end of the 8‑minute session. 

Round 3:

(The con­duc­tor starts the timer set for 8 min­utes, and blows the open­ing whistle)


(The con­duc­tor calls out the fol­low­ing prompts, ges­tic­u­lat­ing to the sec­tion being addressed)


(There are 8 min­utes of sus­tained activ­i­ty, timed by the con­duc­tor. At the end of the 8 min­utes the con­duc­tor blows the clos­ing whistle)


(The con­duc­tor announces the end and gives the fol­low­ing directions)

‑The End!
-Red card­hold­ers leave the bells on the cor­ner tables.
-Black card­hold­ers keep the rings as a favor.